Izinto ezicetyiswayo ziza kubonakala emva kokubhala kwindawo yokukhangela. Sebenzisa iaro enyukayo nehlayo ukuze uwahlole. Sebenzisa iqhosha elingu-enter ukuze uyikhethe. Ukuba ukhethe amabinzana, loo mabinzana ngawo aza kukhangelwa. Ukuba ucetyiswa ngelinki, ibhrawza iza kuya kwelo phepha.
Indlela yokuyenza
Umbuki zindwendwe

Ukufaka incwadi yondwendwe kwindlu yakho

Make your guests feel at home with a thoughtful guest manual.

Once your listing is complete, you can create your guest manual. You can share day-to-day details, like how to turn on the hot water heater, or where to find an extra blanket. Only guests with a confirmed reservation can access your manual.

Want some great tips about how to make your guest manual shine? Check out our Resource Center.

Ukuze ufake okanye ulungise incwadi yakho yeendwendwe:

  1. Yiya kwindawo ethi Izindlu uze ukhethe ikhadi lendlu oyifunayo
  2. Phantsi kwendawo ethi Isikhokelo sokufika, khetha Incwadi ekuxelela ngendlu
  3. Tshintsha izinto ofuna ukuzitshintsha uze ucofe indawo ethi Gcina

Eli nqaku likuncedile?

Amanqaku asondele kweli

Fumana uncedo ngokubhukisha kwakho, ngeakhawunti yakho, nangokunye.
Ngena kwiakhawunti okanye uvule iakhawunti