Izinto ezicetyiswayo ziza kubonakala emva kokubhala kwindawo yokukhangela. Sebenzisa iaro enyukayo nehlayo ukuze uwahlole. Sebenzisa iqhosha elingu-enter ukuze uyikhethe. Ukuba ukhethe amabinzana, loo mabinzana ngawo aza kukhangelwa. Ukuba ucetyiswa ngelinki, ibhrawza iza kuya kwelo phepha.
Imimiselo esemthethweni

Imigaqo Nemimiselo Yokubhatala Ngezavenge e-Huabei

Last updated April 5, 2019

Huabei Installment Plan is a consumer financing product offered to Airbnb guests based in China by Ant Financial. You can use it to complete a booking and pay by the monthly installment plan of your choice, as detailed in the following Installment Terms.

Installment terms

The Huabei Installment Plan enables Guests to pay the Total Fees in three (3), six (6), or twelve (12) monthly installments. Ant Financial may charge you fees to use this product. If you choose to use the Huabei Installment Plan, you will be notified of the monthly installment amount and applicable fees, as determined by Ant Financial, on the Airbnb Platform during checkout. Your Huabei installment payments will be made to Ant Financial. Ant Financial’s additional terms and conditions for the Huabei Installment Plan apply.

If your booking is cancelled for any reason, you will be subject to the cancellation conditions set out in the Airbnb Terms. The amount refundable to you will be sent to your Huabei account and/or Alipay account in accordance with Ant Financial’s terms and conditions. How your refund is processed, the refundability of installment fees, and the time that it takes for the funds to reach your Huabei account or Alipay account, depends entirely on Ant Financial.

If you make a Booking Modification to a booking made with the Huabei Installment Plan, you will be notified of the amount owed by you or reimbursable to you via the Airbnb Platform. If the Booking Modification increases your Total Fees, you will be required to pay the additional amount in its entirety with a payment method other than Huabei at the time of the modification, and there will be no impact to your existing Huabei Installment Plan. If the Booking Modification lowers your Total Fees, the difference will be refunded to your Huabei account and/or Alipay account in accordance with Ant Financial’s terms and conditions. How your refund is processed, the refundability of installment fees, and the time it takes for the funds to reach your Huabei account or Alipay account will depend entirely upon Ant Financial. Your ongoing Huabei installment payment obligations to Ant Financial may change as a result of the Booking Modification.

For any questions regarding your Huabei Installment Plan, contact Ant Financial directly.

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