Izinto ezicetyiswayo ziza kubonakala emva kokubhala kwindawo yokukhangela. Sebenzisa iaro enyukayo nehlayo ukuze uwahlole. Sebenzisa iqhosha elingu-enter ukuze uyikhethe. Ukuba ukhethe amabinzana, loo mabinzana ngawo aza kukhangelwa. Ukuba ucetyiswa ngelinki, ibhrawza iza kuya kwelo phepha.
Indlela yokuyenza
Umbuki zindwendwe

Yenza iimpendulo ezikhawulezileyo uze uzithumele kwiindwendwe

Save time sending common messages to guests by creating quick reply templates. Your templates can be personalized with shortcodes that dynamically fill in guest, reservation, and listing details.

The benefit of quick replies

Having a set of customized quick replies makes hosting with a team more efficient as you’re all using the same standards for guest interactions. Plus, all of your quick replies are accessible in your team’s shared inbox.

You can use scheduled messaging to send your quick replies automatically, based on a trigger, like a new reservation, check-in, or checkout.

Ukwenza impendulo ekhawulezayo

  1. Cofa kwindawo ethi Imiyalezo, uze ucofe kwindawo ethi Imenyu
  2. Phantsi kwendawo ethi Iisetingi, cofa kwindawo ethi Iimpendulo ezikhawulezayo
  3. Cofa kwindawo ethi + Impendulo entsha
  4. Faka igama ukuze uchonge ithempleyithi
  5. Bhala umyalezo wakho uze ufake iikhowudi ezimfutshane ukuze uwenze ulungele wena
  6. Yenza iisetingi zolwimi zihambiselane nomyalezo wakho
  7. Cofa kwindawo ethi Gcina

Ukuseta ulwimi lwethempleythi kuchaphazela indlela eziguqulelwa ngayo iikhowudi zakho ezimfutshane.


Shortcodes are placeholders that dynamically fill in guest, reservation, and listing details when the message is sent to the guest. You’ll need to have the corresponding information in your listings, such as check-in and checkout times, otherwise the shortcode will display as unavailable in the message. Here’s the full list:

  • Guest’s first name
  • Guest’s last name
  • Guest’s phone number
  • Check-in date
  • Check-in time
  • Checkout date
  • Checkout time
  • Total trip price
  • Average nightly price
  • Cleaning fee
  • Listing name
  • Listing address
  • Listing city
  • Wi-fi name
  • Wi-fi password
  • Confirmation code
  • Directions
  • Check-in Instructions
  • House Rules
  • House Manual
  • Guidebook
  • Getting around
  • Guest Access
  • Guest Interaction
  • Guest city
  • Guest country
  • Neighborhood
  • Number of guests
  • Number of nights
  • Number of bathrooms
  • Number of bedrooms
  • Number of beds
  • Primary host first name
  • Primary host last name

Ukuze usebenzise impendulo ekhawulezayo

  1. Cofa kwindawo ethi Imiyalezo, uze ukhethe imiyalezo oyifumeneyo noyithumele kundwendwe
  2. Khetha uphawu lwempendulo ekhawulezayo ecaleni kwebhokisi yomyalezo
  3. Khetha impendulo oyifunayo uze ucofe kwindawo ethi Sebenzisa le mpendulo
  4. Lungisa naziphi na izinto ezongezelelekileyo uze ucofe kwindawo ethi Thumela

Ukuze ulungise impendulo ekhawulezayo

  1. Cofa kwindawo ethi Imiyalezo, uze ucofe kwindawo ethi Imenyu
  2. Phantsi kwendawo ethi Iisetingi, cofa kwindawo ethi Iimpendulo ezikhawulezayo
  3. Khetha umyalezo ofuna ukuwulungisa
  4. Tshintsha izinto ofuna ukuzitshintsha uze ucofe kwindawo ethi Gcina

Ukuze ucime impendulo ekhawulezayo

  1. Cofa kwindawo ethi Imiyalezo, uze ucofe kwindawo ethi Imenyu
  2. Phantsi kwendawo ethi Iisetingi, cofa kwindawo ethi Iimpendulo ezikhawulezayo
  3. Khetha umyalezo ofuna ukuwucima
  4. Yihla ukuze uwufumane uze ucofe kwindawo ethi Cima ithempleyithi
Eli nqaku likuncedile?

Amanqaku asondele kweli

Fumana uncedo ngokubhukisha kwakho, ngeakhawunti yakho, nangokunye.
Ngena kwiakhawunti okanye uvule iakhawunti