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Search results; IAmagumbi angaphezu kwayi-1 000 eRoches-Prémarie-Andillé

Ithandwa zindwendwe
Igumbi eliseRoches-Prémarie-Andillé
Hlala noMorgane Et ClémentIlungu lenkonzo yomkhosi,
Indlu entle, imizuzu eyi-20 ukusuka eFuturoscope
12–17 Mey
4.98 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-45
Indlu e-Roches-Prémarie-Andillé
Domaine Gîte équestre
Iibhedi eziyi-7
27 Epr – 2 Mey
Indlu e-Roches-Prémarie-Andillé
Indlu enegadi nge-iZiLi - Kufuphi ne-Poitiers-
Iibhedi eziyi-4
21–26 Epr
4.82 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-343
Indlu e-Roches-Prémarie-Andillé
indlu ezimeleyo enegadi
\u00A0Ibhedi elala abantu ababini eyi-1
18–23 Epr
4.68 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-266
Indlu esemaphandleni e-Nouaillé-Maupertuis
Gîte du Géologue
28 Epr – 3 Mey
Indawo entsha yokuhlala
Indlu e-La Villedieu-du-Clain
Indlu enobuhlobo yokuhlala eyi-1 emnandi, 6 pers
\u00A0Iibhedi ezilala abantu ababini eziyi-3
27 Jul – 3 Aga
5.0 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-5
Ithandwa zindwendwe
Indlu e-Smarves
The Workshop of Dreams
Iibhedi eziyi-2
20–25 Epr
5.0 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-8
Ithandwa zindwendwe
Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Roches-Prémarie-Andillé
Isitudiyo esizimeleyo kufutshane nePoitiers
\u00A0Ibhedi elala abantu ababini eyi-1
22–27 Epr
4.93 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-27
Ithandwa zindwendwe
Indlu encinci e-Roches-Prémarie-Andillé
I-Studio aphezulu la vallée
Iibhedi eziyi-2
12–17 Mey
4.8 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-159
Ithandwa zindwendwe
Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Ligugé
Igadi yeDragonfly
Iibhedi eziyi-2
28 Epr – 3 Mey
5.0 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-24
Ithandwa zindwendwe
Indlu engasemva e-Nouaillé-Maupertuis
Indlu enkulu esemaphandleni egcwele emthini kufutshane nePoitiers
Ibhedi enkulu eyi-1
2–7 Mey
4.8 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-15
Indawo yokuhlala e-Nouaillé-Maupertuis
GreenKub Sauge
28 Epr – 3 Mey
Indawo entsha yokuhlala
Ithandwa zindwendwe
Igumbi elinomnyango ophumela ngaphandle e-Nouaillé-Maupertuis
Gîte de l 'atelier céramique Le Garage Richet
Iibhedi eziyi-2
11–16 Mey
5.0 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-40
Indlu e-Iteuil
Le Jardin: with swimming pool 10 min from Poitiers
Iibhedi eziyi-4
28 Epr – 3 Mey
4.88 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-8
Ithandwa zindwendwe
Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Nieuil-l'Espoir
Slow studio, gîte classé 3 *, proche Poitiers
\u00A0Ibhedi elala abantu ababini eyi-1
20–25 Epr
4.94 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-17
Ithandwa zindwendwe
Indlu e-Mignaloux-Beauvoir
I-Maisonnette emaphandleni
Ibhedi eyi-1
21–26 Mey
4.95 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-22
Indlu e-Nouaillé-Maupertuis
Indlu enomtsalane ebuyiselweyo eyi-120 m2 ePrieuré classé
Iibhedi eziyi-4
18–23 Epr
4.66 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-259
Ithandwa zindwendwe
Iflethi okanye indlu ekwi-complex e-Mignaloux-Beauvoir
Studio dans cadre exceptionnel
12–17 Mey
5.0 kumlinganiselo ongumyinge weziyi-5, kwizimvo eziyi-21