Guidebook for East District

Guidebook for East District

Food Scene

台南又增一家想吃就吃得到,跟7-11一樣24小時營業的牛肉湯店了!話說 台南人的傳統早餐為牛肉湯,就用牛肉湯來開啟你今天的旅程吧~ It's a 24HRS beef soup restaurant. Tainan's resident start their morning with a beef soup! Let's start your day with beef soup!
37 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
574號 Yunong Rd
37 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
台南又增一家想吃就吃得到,跟7-11一樣24小時營業的牛肉湯店了!話說 台南人的傳統早餐為牛肉湯,就用牛肉湯來開啟你今天的旅程吧~ It's a 24HRS beef soup restaurant. Tainan's resident start their morning with a beef soup! Let's start your day with beef soup!
擁有40年歷史,當地人才知道的傳統麵店 A 40 years old noodle shop that only locals know.
9 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
56號 Jiandong St
9 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
擁有40年歷史,當地人才知道的傳統麵店 A 40 years old noodle shop that only locals know.
韓式燒烤店 Korean style BBQ
8 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
燒出名堂 House of BBQ
209 Section 1, Zhonghua E Rd
8 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
韓式燒烤店 Korean style BBQ
大學生的美食天堂,多樣且平價的料理供您選擇 Various kind of food with fair price
23 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
Yule Street
Yule Street
23 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
大學生的美食天堂,多樣且平價的料理供您選擇 Various kind of food with fair price

Drinks & Nightlife

舊房子改造而成的小酒吧,復古的風格彷彿走進了100年前的住宅,共3樓,每個角落皆是驚奇 Renovated from an old home, this one-story bar really feels like you’re in someone’s old house. It’s been decorated with vintage furniture from the 70s and beyond, and they’ve added old fans, TVs and rotary-dial telephones to enhance the atmosphere. There are various rooms to sit in and there’s some additional seating in both the front and back gardens
19 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
Kinks bar
25號 Lane 232, Qingnian Rd
19 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
舊房子改造而成的小酒吧,復古的風格彷彿走進了100年前的住宅,共3樓,每個角落皆是驚奇 Renovated from an old home, this one-story bar really feels like you’re in someone’s old house. It’s been decorated with vintage furniture from the 70s and beyond, and they’ve added old fans, TVs and rotary-dial telephones to enhance the atmosphere. There are various rooms to sit in and there’s some additional seating in both the front and back gardens
大東夜市 成立至今已有10年,是台南市東區具指標性的夜市,知名度僅次於花園夜市。營業時間為每週一、二、五,由於目前尚未規劃目前尚未規劃專用的汽車停車場,僅有機車停車場,建議騎乘機車前往是最便利的方式 Tainan Dadong Night Market has been around for more than 10 years. Located in the East District, it is only second the renowned Tainan Flower Night Market. The night market open only on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. There is currently no parking for cars available, only for motorcycles. Like the traditional night market, Dadong night Market offers food, shops, and games. For food, there are a great variety of selection from traditional street food and indigenous cuisine. The games include water balloon shooting, ring toss, and many other carnival games. What’s more, there is out door auctioning in the night market, a rare and unique activity limited in southern Taiwan.
67 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
I-Market ye-Ta-Tung
276號 Section 1, Linsen Rd
67 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
大東夜市 成立至今已有10年,是台南市東區具指標性的夜市,知名度僅次於花園夜市。營業時間為每週一、二、五,由於目前尚未規劃目前尚未規劃專用的汽車停車場,僅有機車停車場,建議騎乘機車前往是最便利的方式 Tainan Dadong Night Market has been around for more than 10 years. Located in the East District, it is only second the renowned Tainan Flower Night Market. The night market open only on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. There is currently no parking for cars available, only for motorcycles. Like the traditional night market, Dadong night Market offers food, shops, and games. For food, there are a great variety of selection from traditional street food and indigenous cuisine. The games include water balloon shooting, ring toss, and many other carnival games. What’s more, there is out door auctioning in the night market, a rare and unique activity limited in southern Taiwan.
原住民料理,適合與多名朋友一起吃的宵夜配小米酒 Aboriginal cuisine, opening time from 6pm to midnight, the dish is suitable for more than 4 people.
No. 276, Xialin Road
276 Xialin Road
原住民料理,適合與多名朋友一起吃的宵夜配小米酒 Aboriginal cuisine, opening time from 6pm to midnight, the dish is suitable for more than 4 people.
53 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
No. 80, Section 3, Linsen Road
80 Section 3, Linsen Road
53 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni


億載金城,稱 ” 二鯤鯓砲台 ” 或 ” 安平大砲台 ” ,它在台灣砲台史上具有十分重要的開創性地位。它不僅是台灣第 1 座現代化西洋式砲台,也是全台第 1 座配備 18000 公斤的英國阿姆斯壯大砲的砲台唷!形制完備、規模宏大,加上無窮的砲威,真可說是台灣南北砲台中,劃時代的重要里程碑! 億載金城的創建,原是為了對抗因牡丹社事件而犯台的日本軍隊;後來,雖因事件及早平息而未派上用場,但台灣的海防軍事卻因此而跨出邁向近代化的一大步。 億載金城佔地廣達 3 公頃多,由法國工程師設計完成。形制上,屬於西洋稜堡式的方形砲台, 4 角凸出,中央內凹。砲台四周有護城河,砲台上分置大、小砲,中央則為操練場;還有幾座具有相當完整配置的西式大砲台。 二十世紀初,大砲毀壞變賣、城洞、木橋破壞 … 一副殘敗的景像。民國 64 年市政府大規模整修後,今天的億載金城,雖然在形式和材質上已經改變許多,但大致仍可看出當年的輪廓與規模。另外由台南市政府在維修過程中,無意間挖掘出來的壕溝空間,各方學者紛紛猜測可能是軍火庫、也可能是兵房的空間,也非常值得您來探究一番! 另外引進外海海水的護城河,水源清澈流動,遊魚成群,放養的綠頭鴨、黑天鵝悠遊其間,四週廣植樹木,是郊遊、懷古,休憩的最好去處! The Yi Tzai Golden Castle was originally built to resist the Japanese invasion during the Peony Suffix Event. Built by the Chinese but designed by a French engineer, the Yi Tzai Golden Castle was the first western style fort established in Taiwan. Occupying 3 hectares of land, the building is in the shape of a square. Equipped with British Armstrong Cannons, the Yi Tzai Golden Castle also symbolizes a great leap forward towards the modernization of Taiwanese military defense.
59 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
Eternal Golden Castle station
59 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
億載金城,稱 ” 二鯤鯓砲台 ” 或 ” 安平大砲台 ” ,它在台灣砲台史上具有十分重要的開創性地位。它不僅是台灣第 1 座現代化西洋式砲台,也是全台第 1 座配備 18000 公斤的英國阿姆斯壯大砲的砲台唷!形制完備、規模宏大,加上無窮的砲威,真可說是台灣南北砲台中,劃時代的重要里程碑! 億載金城的創建,原是為了對抗因牡丹社事件而犯台的日本軍隊;後來,雖因事件及早平息而未派上用場,但台灣的海防軍事卻因此而跨出邁向近代化的一大步。 億載金城佔地廣達 3 公頃多,由法國工程師設計完成。形制上,屬於西洋稜堡式的方形砲台, 4 角凸出,中央內凹。砲台四周有護城河,砲台上分置大、小砲,中央則為操練場;還有幾座具有相當完整配置的西式大砲台。 二十世紀初,大砲毀壞變賣、城洞、木橋破壞 … 一副殘敗的景像。民國 64 年市政府大規模整修後,今天的億載金城,雖然在形式和材質上已經改變許多,但大致仍可看出當年的輪廓與規模。另外由台南市政府在維修過程中,無意間挖掘出來的壕溝空間,各方學者紛紛猜測可能是軍火庫、也可能是兵房的空間,也非常值得您來探究一番! 另外引進外海海水的護城河,水源清澈流動,遊魚成群,放養的綠頭鴨、黑天鵝悠遊其間,四週廣植樹木,是郊遊、懷古,休憩的最好去處! The Yi Tzai Golden Castle was originally built to resist the Japanese invasion during the Peony Suffix Event. Built by the Chinese but designed by a French engineer, the Yi Tzai Golden Castle was the first western style fort established in Taiwan. Occupying 3 hectares of land, the building is in the shape of a square. Equipped with British Armstrong Cannons, the Yi Tzai Golden Castle also symbolizes a great leap forward towards the modernization of Taiwanese military defense.
為1653年荷治時期興建之歐式建築普羅民遮城(Provintia,亦稱紅毛樓、在地人叫「番仔樓」),曾為全島統治中心,至清代已傾圮,僅留部分殘蹟。今日所見的赤崁樓,大部分是漢人在荷蘭城堡之上,陸續興建的儒、道教廟祠,包括海神廟、文昌閣。1960年,又由大南門城內遷來九座贔屭碑[1],終成今日樣貌。因此,所稱赤崁樓,是歐式普羅民遮城殘蹟,以及海神廟、文昌閣的混合體。[2]今列為國定古蹟。Chihkan Tower, alson known as Fort Provintia, is located at the intersection of Chihkan St. and Minzu Rd., Tainan. It was constructed by the Dutch in 1653 and was originally used as the administration center during the Dutch’s occupation. Its original name was Provintia which means “eternity” in Dutch. Since the Dutch were used to be called Hongmao by Hans, Chihkan Tower is also called Hongmao Castle or Fanzai Tower.
265 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
Chihkan Tower
212 Section 2, Minzu Rd
265 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
為1653年荷治時期興建之歐式建築普羅民遮城(Provintia,亦稱紅毛樓、在地人叫「番仔樓」),曾為全島統治中心,至清代已傾圮,僅留部分殘蹟。今日所見的赤崁樓,大部分是漢人在荷蘭城堡之上,陸續興建的儒、道教廟祠,包括海神廟、文昌閣。1960年,又由大南門城內遷來九座贔屭碑[1],終成今日樣貌。因此,所稱赤崁樓,是歐式普羅民遮城殘蹟,以及海神廟、文昌閣的混合體。[2]今列為國定古蹟。Chihkan Tower, alson known as Fort Provintia, is located at the intersection of Chihkan St. and Minzu Rd., Tainan. It was constructed by the Dutch in 1653 and was originally used as the administration center during the Dutch’s occupation. Its original name was Provintia which means “eternity” in Dutch. Since the Dutch were used to be called Hongmao by Hans, Chihkan Tower is also called Hongmao Castle or Fanzai Tower.
除了鹽山設有台階、扶手供民眾攀爬之外,鹽山外圍還有嘟嘟搖搖車、鹽雕雪人、台灣鹽博物館,最特別的莫過於鹽山旁的「不沉之海」,這是一種由潔淨海水濃縮而成的鹽滷水,有著最接近人體結構的氨基酸以及礦物質,具有高滲透壓的特性,成為許多遊客趨之若鶩的必遊景點。 位於七股鹽山旁的「台灣鹽博物館唯一一座以「鹽」為主題的產業博物館,目前就是為了保存三百多年來的台灣鹽業文化,其建築外觀仿照鹽山造型,以結合鹽山外貌與鹽分子結構做為構思設計而成,周邊規劃有綠色植被、人工湖、景觀步道等,佔地2.1公頃,為目前全台規模最大、富有最完整收藏的產業博物館,館內除了展示日治時期到近代等上萬件相關鹽文物之外,還有台灣鹽、世界鹽、鹽與科學及盬村劇場,此外,還特別規劃呈現舊時的鹽業風貌和鹽民生活專區,讓所有參觀民眾都能深入並體會台灣鹽業史的發展歷程以及「鹽」在日常生活中所佔有的重要地位。Cigu Salt Field is the largest salt field in Taiwan's histroy. As the salt industry declines, Cigu Salt Field is changes into a tourist attraction. There are two salt mountains: the Highest Peak of salt Mountant and the Nourth Peak of Salt Mountant. The highest Peak has become Cigu's landmark. The salt density of Unsinkable Sea is an high as 17 Degree Baume, which almost competes to that of the Dead Sea. Visitors can make salt in tranditional salt fields.
19 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
66號 鹽埕里
19 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
除了鹽山設有台階、扶手供民眾攀爬之外,鹽山外圍還有嘟嘟搖搖車、鹽雕雪人、台灣鹽博物館,最特別的莫過於鹽山旁的「不沉之海」,這是一種由潔淨海水濃縮而成的鹽滷水,有著最接近人體結構的氨基酸以及礦物質,具有高滲透壓的特性,成為許多遊客趨之若鶩的必遊景點。 位於七股鹽山旁的「台灣鹽博物館唯一一座以「鹽」為主題的產業博物館,目前就是為了保存三百多年來的台灣鹽業文化,其建築外觀仿照鹽山造型,以結合鹽山外貌與鹽分子結構做為構思設計而成,周邊規劃有綠色植被、人工湖、景觀步道等,佔地2.1公頃,為目前全台規模最大、富有最完整收藏的產業博物館,館內除了展示日治時期到近代等上萬件相關鹽文物之外,還有台灣鹽、世界鹽、鹽與科學及盬村劇場,此外,還特別規劃呈現舊時的鹽業風貌和鹽民生活專區,讓所有參觀民眾都能深入並體會台灣鹽業史的發展歷程以及「鹽」在日常生活中所佔有的重要地位。Cigu Salt Field is the largest salt field in Taiwan's histroy. As the salt industry declines, Cigu Salt Field is changes into a tourist attraction. There are two salt mountains: the Highest Peak of salt Mountant and the Nourth Peak of Salt Mountant. The highest Peak has become Cigu's landmark. The salt density of Unsinkable Sea is an high as 17 Degree Baume, which almost competes to that of the Dead Sea. Visitors can make salt in tranditional salt fields.
1932年由日本商人林方一所建立,在當時是南台灣規模最大的百貨公司。歷經長時間閒置,在1998年被列入市定古蹟,於2010年開始整修至2013年完成,由台南市文化局委外經營,林百貨終於在2014年以「文創百貨」的型態重新出發,再次成為台南的著名景點。 It was built in 1932 by a japanese merchant, and was the largest department store in the past. The interior structure remains the same as before,so it'll seem like taking a time travel when you visit!
191 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
I-Hayashi Department Store
63號 Section 2, Zhongyi Rd
191 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
1932年由日本商人林方一所建立,在當時是南台灣規模最大的百貨公司。歷經長時間閒置,在1998年被列入市定古蹟,於2010年開始整修至2013年完成,由台南市文化局委外經營,林百貨終於在2014年以「文創百貨」的型態重新出發,再次成為台南的著名景點。 It was built in 1932 by a japanese merchant, and was the largest department store in the past. The interior structure remains the same as before,so it'll seem like taking a time travel when you visit!
祠中保存為數眾多的楹聯,包括沈葆楨手書,可說是珍貴歷史文物豐富;祠堂右邊的台南市「民族文物館」,1樓主要陳列展示先民生活相關的史前文物,2樓館藏豐富台南歷史文物,包括鄭成功、沈葆楨的畫像與墨蹟,也有展示當年先民的日常生活用品,以介紹當時生活起居狀況。For a shrine to a war hero, the Zheng Chengong Shrine is amazingly serene. It is flanked by a lovely garden and plum trees (one of which was reportedly planted by Zheng Chengong himself) grow in the back of the main hall. The shrine is itself a great museum with tons of information on the man and the founding of the city.
31 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
Koxinga Museum
152號 Kaishan Rd
31 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
祠中保存為數眾多的楹聯,包括沈葆楨手書,可說是珍貴歷史文物豐富;祠堂右邊的台南市「民族文物館」,1樓主要陳列展示先民生活相關的史前文物,2樓館藏豐富台南歷史文物,包括鄭成功、沈葆楨的畫像與墨蹟,也有展示當年先民的日常生活用品,以介紹當時生活起居狀況。For a shrine to a war hero, the Zheng Chengong Shrine is amazingly serene. It is flanked by a lovely garden and plum trees (one of which was reportedly planted by Zheng Chengong himself) grow in the back of the main hall. The shrine is itself a great museum with tons of information on the man and the founding of the city.

Arts & Culture

舊稱"北勢街" ,這條老街擁有300年的歷史,可說是台南保存最完整的一條老街了,也是五條港文化園區最重要的據點,五條港在清初是台灣對外的主要門戶,其所在的位置在港區的正中央,是當時最熱鬧的街道。現今在海安路通車與藝術造街的影響下,原本老舊的街道轉變成為前衛的藝術空間,有許多餐廳 、酒吧及藝文人士進駐,每到夜晚黃昏古樸的街燈襯托下,愈夜愈美麗! This 300 years street is famous for being the most well-preserved old street in Tainan, It is such a wonderful little street with so much to discover and appreciate.Retro night bars and art decorations would make you feel like going to the past old days.
217 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
Isheshi Shennong
58-1號 Shennong St
217 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
舊稱"北勢街" ,這條老街擁有300年的歷史,可說是台南保存最完整的一條老街了,也是五條港文化園區最重要的據點,五條港在清初是台灣對外的主要門戶,其所在的位置在港區的正中央,是當時最熱鬧的街道。現今在海安路通車與藝術造街的影響下,原本老舊的街道轉變成為前衛的藝術空間,有許多餐廳 、酒吧及藝文人士進駐,每到夜晚黃昏古樸的街燈襯托下,愈夜愈美麗! This 300 years street is famous for being the most well-preserved old street in Tainan, It is such a wonderful little street with so much to discover and appreciate.Retro night bars and art decorations would make you feel like going to the past old days.
座落臺南都會公園內,館區約10公頃,擁有經典西洋藝術、樂器、兵器與動物標本等豐富館藏,並常舉辦特展、教育及藝文活動,提供「文明之奇與藝術之美」有七個展聽,廣場的阿波羅噴水池是仿法國凡爾賽宮噴水池1:1打造而成。館藏有多名畫與雕刻的真跡,如果想細看益添絕對是看不完的This museum is known for its ancient Greek style architecture. The magnificent building in the center, with the Olympus Bridge that leads you straight to the museum, seem extra gorgeous from the reflection of the lake under a sunny day. Thus this spot became a popular site among photography enthusiasts and couples taking pre-wedding pictures. Until recent times, visits to the museum are only available through online reservations. There are five exhibition halls holding both permanent and temporary exhibitions, including the Hall of Fine Art, the Hall of Music Instruments.
132 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
Chimei Museum station
132 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
座落臺南都會公園內,館區約10公頃,擁有經典西洋藝術、樂器、兵器與動物標本等豐富館藏,並常舉辦特展、教育及藝文活動,提供「文明之奇與藝術之美」有七個展聽,廣場的阿波羅噴水池是仿法國凡爾賽宮噴水池1:1打造而成。館藏有多名畫與雕刻的真跡,如果想細看益添絕對是看不完的This museum is known for its ancient Greek style architecture. The magnificent building in the center, with the Olympus Bridge that leads you straight to the museum, seem extra gorgeous from the reflection of the lake under a sunny day. Thus this spot became a popular site among photography enthusiasts and couples taking pre-wedding pictures. Until recent times, visits to the museum are only available through online reservations. There are five exhibition halls holding both permanent and temporary exhibitions, including the Hall of Fine Art, the Hall of Music Instruments.


是臺南市最大的購物中心,串連永康、國賓影城等商圈。除了購物中心,還有酒店與南紡總部也將進駐在同一棟建築裡;亦規劃餐飲、娛樂、電影與健身俱樂部。 Biggest shopping mall in Tainan
23 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
23 icetyiswa ngabantu basekuhlaleni
是臺南市最大的購物中心,串連永康、國賓影城等商圈。除了購物中心,還有酒店與南紡總部也將進駐在同一棟建築裡;亦規劃餐飲、娛樂、電影與健身俱樂部。 Biggest shopping mall in Tainan


No. 237, Section 2, Zhonghua East Road
237號 Section 2, Zhonghua East Road
超市 supermarket