Izinto ezicetyiswayo ziza kubonakala emva kokubhala kwindawo yokukhangela. Sebenzisa iaro enyukayo nehlayo ukuze uwahlole. Sebenzisa iqhosha elingu-enter ukuze uyikhethe. Ukuba ukhethe amabinzana, loo mabinzana ngawo aza kukhangelwa. Ukuba ucetyiswa ngelinki, ibhrawza iza kuya kwelo phepha.
Indlela yokuyenza

Indlela esisebenza ngayo isimemo sokubhukisha

So, you’ve got some dates in mind and you found a place you’re interested in. You message the Host and they reply with an invitation to book. Great news—this means that the place is available and the Host wants to seal the deal.

What’s next? All you have to do is click Book Now in the message thread, add your payment information, and click Confirm. You’ll be all set.

Not quite ready? You have 24 hours to decide if you want to book for those dates and that price. If you wait longer, the guest fees may change, or the Host may accept another booking, as they are able to invite many potential guests.

Eli nqaku likuncedile?

Amanqaku asondele kweli

Fumana uncedo ngokubhukisha kwakho, ngeakhawunti yakho, nangokunye.
Ngena kwiakhawunti okanye uvule iakhawunti